Sunday, October 7, 2007


IIII'M here. Oh yeah. -elevator music- What exactly does one go about posting here? x3 Hm. I'm gonna.. just... y'know... leave now... xD I totally don't know where to go for anything on this site >__> -feels scared and confused- xP

Lawl. Or, can we use chatspeak? I hope so. Cause if not then I just broke a rule multiple times in the last five seconds >__>;; Um... I'll go now ^__^;

Byeee <3
~Bellatrix Lestrange I mean


Joe said...

Hey Tasha!

Glad to see you figured out the posting thing despite being confused. Just play with it some more, you'll figure it out. You should post the first chapter of your series here or maybe some piece of writing you are stuck on and some one could give you a suggestion. I think this should be cool format for the writer's group!

Since there is no Writer's Group this week, I'll see you later!!


Joe said...

BTW u can talk any way u want!