Sunday, July 24, 2011


Yes, if you were questioning the title, it does imply that I am actually wondering something. Here is that thing: are any of the other members of the Young Writer's Guild still writing on their blogs? Or do they get updates about when another member posts? Hmm.. Maybe I will find out when one of them does or does not comment on my writing or when they post something themselves. Any who... I tend to ramble a lot when I am just typing, but I guess that's okay, because that's what a blog is for, right? Cool.. Now I'm making my decission, do I want to scrap this account and start over? Or do I just keep blogging off of here. I'm not sure if there is a way to join a new "group" or something. Or would that just make me a groupie? So many questions. Will they go unanswered? Ah.. dangit.. That was another question. Well, HORRAH to my first blog post of 2011. Its only been like 8394961 years since I posted. Not really. Yay to sarcasm. Well, time to go drift around and see what I want to do about this. Ta-ta for now!

Yours truly, zilla <3

P.S. 5 days and 7 1/2 hours till I leave for my first mission trip and I am SO excited!