Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bomber Run

The plane was shaking so hard from damage, I think that I would have died from it. Pearl Harbor was coming up. Time to turn Pearl Harbor into Dust Harbor. The bomber squadron at the left turned down towards the harbor. Then the right. Next was us. The feeling of just heading down felt bad. It felt like your stomach is at your lungs. Not a pleasant feeling. The airstrip was about a mile or two away. It already had smoke on it from other bombing runs. then the alarm went off for attack and we knew it was time. As we approached the airstrip we heard the alarms of the Americans. I looked through the target scope, ready to drop the bombs. "Fire!" I yelled. The bomb dropped as I looked threw the target hole right before the view filled with explosions. We pulled back up and headed back to the carrier Akagi.

-thoughts and actions of a Japanese bomber pilot on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

-another journal entry of The Raid on Pearl Harbor

1 comment:

Joe said...

So this a bunch of journal entries from different points of view. I realy like it. Have you seen Tora Tora Tora?