Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Story Starter One

I silently stepped out into the magnificent meadow. My eyes fluttered over the beauty. I moved deeper into the meadow, guarding my sides with my arms.
But, a voice held me back, pressing deep pain into my heart. The voice was velvet, smooth, almost too perfect for a human. It pulsed through my head, over and over again.
I squeezed my eyes shut, starring at the vivid image that is forever imprinted into my mind. His eyes, like perfectly shined diamonds, on a velvet black canvas. They beat upon me with pain, with a passion.
I breathed deeply, and forced my eyes open. I starred over the meadow. The grass first, it was wet with new rain, cold. The color was a great emerald, shinning brightly. It swayed back and forth in the slight breeze, that was really cold.
Then, the sky. It was baby blue, the color of my room. It had spots of clouds, which looked like cotton balls thrown into the air, stuck forever.
However, I saved the brightest, and most bonding for last. The Sun. It cast a bright light over my sanctuary, and unleased a warm comfort over my body. It reminded me of his beauty, my one true love.
I breathed deeply, taking in all i had been seeing, thinking. I blinked back the warm tears that started to caress my eyes. I missed him, I missed coming to my retreat with him, and i love him. This was going to get harder for me, I knew this.
Then I turned, and walked out of the one true place I called home,
"I love you," I whispered, and I felt a gust of wind whip around me. I knew this was his way of syaing "I love you too."

My reasoning behind this

Okay, so what I have been doing lately, is not writing full stories, but writing the beginning. I want to show everyone a sneak peek, and let you guys choose which ones you like most. I would like comments, what you like, what I need to improve on, if you like the way its going but would like it to go slightly different, anything! I wont be upset, I want the hard stuff! :D Thanks everyone! My starters will be numbered, not titled.
